
$7.5 Million Allocated to Reduce 无家可归

在7美元的帮助下.5 million line of credit approved by the Invest Atlanta Board, the 亚特兰大市 is investing in more creative, effective ways to address chronic homelessness.

Working with city leadership, the Atlanta Continuum of Care (CoC) will use the line of credit financed through the 亚特兰大市 Housing Opportunity Bond Fund to construct approximately 500 quickly built, low-cost micro units that can serve as temporary, semi-permanent or permanent shelter and housing for people experiencing homelessness.

“We are experi男人ting with new construction and new product types that allow for quick manufacturing develop男人ts we can put in place because the crisis with individuals experiencing homelessness continues to grow across our country,” says Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens. “Supportive housing needs supportive people. So, we are always seeking creative approaches to pilot and deliver new affordable housing options. This will be a smaller footprint, but still a big benefit.”

H的伙伴.O.M.E., on behalf of the Atlanta CoC, will introduce the first community location in December. Opening a pathway to reduce homelessness in the city of Atlanta will include securing direct service providers to provide residents with access to wraparound support services, 比如就业, 医疗保健, and mainstream benefits.

“The face of homelessness in Atlanta includes wo男人, 男人, 家庭, 青年, veterans and others who deserve greater access to shelter and supporting services that help meet their individual needs,博士说。. Eloisa Kle男人tich, president and CEO, Invest Atlanta. “Through this invest男人t, the City is continuing to address the spectrum of housing needs in Atlanta – from homelessness to homeownership – by providing more residents experiencing homelessness a flexible alternative to traditional homeless housing.”
